
SMU Cox 卡鲁斯创业学院 Announces New Director of 区块链项目倡议

西蒙•麦, 博士学位, 一位获奖学者, 带来创业实践, 课堂教学, 并研究领导专注于区块链初创企业的新项目.

联系人:西蒙•麦, smak@cox.applehy.com

达拉斯, 8月16日, 2018 -- SMU Cox 卡鲁斯创业学院 launches new 区块链项目倡议 and appoints a founding director. 西蒙•麦, 博士学位, professor of practice in 创业 and associate director of the 卡鲁斯创业学院, was trained as an engineer and brings experience in several tech start-ups, 包括他自己的点.com启动, as well as over twelve years in 创业 higher education and is 一位获奖学者. 

Launched in 1970, the Caruth Institute was a pioneer in global 创业 education. Launch of the 区块链项目倡议 continues the pioneering spirit of the Caruth Institute, to provide resources to meet the global demand for knowledge in blockchain 创业, 专注于商业模式策略.

Dr. Mak has already been including blockchain business model strategies in his undergraduate and graduate 创业 classes and this fall will formally launch an MBA course dedicated to blockchain 创业. 为了给他的班级做研究,他去了伦敦, 柏林, 马耳他, 北京, 在上海与区块链初创企业会面. Dr. Mak will have overall strategic and operational responsibility for the 区块链项目倡议. He will work with the university and the business community to advance the theory and practice of blockchain 创业 globally. 将制定计划和活动来推进这一使命.

“I am glad to formally participate in a subject area I’m very passionate about.麦鸿崧说。. “而比特币将区块链推到了最前沿, the real excitement is the application of blockchain into much more diverse settings that I believe will be world-changing. I am delighted by the opportunity to build upon the Caruth Institute’s proven success and to work with other academics and companies to create a future that is decentralized, 标记化的, 和愿.”

“The launch of the 区块链项目倡议 will propel the Caruth Institute and SMU Cox as a global thought-leader in blockchain 创业,杰瑞·怀特说, 他是新加坡管理大学考克斯分校卡鲁斯创业研究所所长. “西蒙为他的所有追求都带来了活力和激情. Having him take on this emerging field, along with his technical background, dot.Com和开源创业经验和全球网络, he is a great fit to help create breakthroughs in this field that will benefit SMU, 本地商界以及全球知识界.” 

Dr. 麦将立即开始他的新职责.

自三十多年前成立以来, the Caruth Institute has continuously developed innovative courses and programs to help individuals keep pace with the dynamic, 快速变化的创业领域. The Institute currently offers more than 18 custom-designed courses to give students the skills and knowledge necessary to launch and manage successful entrepreneurial ventures.

新加坡管理大学考克斯商学院.edu/cox), originally established in 1920 on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, 德州, 命名是为了纪念恩人埃德温·L. 考克斯1978年. SMU Cox is a nationally and internationally ranked business school with undergraduate (BBA) majors in accounting, 金融, 金融咨询, 一般业务, 管理, 市场营销, 房地产金融和能源管理, 创业, 房地产金融风险管理与保险. The Cox School offers four Master of Business Administration programs including the Executive MBA (EMBA) and Full-Time MBA, 快速MBA, 专业MBA (PMBA), 主修会计, 金融, 一般业务, 信息技术和运营管理, 管理, 市场营销, 房地产,战略和创业. The school also offers the JD/MBA with Dedman School of Law; MA/MBA with Meadows School of the Arts; Specialized Master’s of Science (MS) programs in Accounting, 商业分析(全日制和兼职), 金融, and Management; Sport Management and Health Promotion Management with Simmons School of Education and Human Development; and Engineering/MBA and MS in Engineering Entrepreneurship with the Lyle School of Engineering. 对于不寻求学位的专业人士, SMU Cox 高管教育 and multiple certificate programs cover a broad range of disciplines. 考克斯商学院在全球拥有一个活跃的校友网络.

  • 2020年7月: 
    • 2021区块链峰会:快速更新
      • Brendan Cooper (NFT),帕尼尼美国公司数字系统总监        
      • 卡拉·雷耶斯(DAO),新大戴德曼法学院教授
      • 李·布赖切(法例), 德克萨斯州区块链委员会创始人兼主席, 教授, 达拉斯浸会大学
      • Ulrike Schultze(学术研究),新加坡管理大学考克斯商学院教授
      • Mena Bahram(新加坡管理大学区块链俱乐部), 新加坡管理大学考克斯商学院学生, 总统, 新大区块链俱乐部

  • 2020年1月: 
    • Accepted to deliver a joint presentation at the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) annual conference in New Orleans on "Blockchain, 比特币, 和ICO:理解和教学”

  • 2019年7月: 
    • Blockchain Summit 2020:  Blockchain Commerce Update for Entrepreneurs and Investors
      • T. 杰克·威廉姆斯总裁 & B4U Financial联合创始人
      • 哈米兹·穆斯塔克·阿万,合伙人 & Plutus21 Capital创始人

  • 2019年4月: 
    • Presentation at Novation City Accelerator launch event in Tunisia on "Blockchain Business Models and Industry 4.0"

  • 2019年3月: 
    • Southwest Venture forum in Dallas on Blockchain Business Models: Picking the Winners
    • 第二期“区块链创业”MBA课程
    • Working paper with SMU Cox ITOM 教授 Ulrike Schultz and Dallas blockchain entrepreneur James Johnson, Oaken Innovations的联合创始人, 关于“去区块链还是不去区块链?"

  • 2019年1月: 
    • Accepted to present at the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) annual conference in Tampa on "Teaching Blockchain Entrepreneurship Business Models"

  • 2018年10月: 
    • 推出“区块链创业”MBA课程
    • Presentation at the Future of Blockchain conference in Frisco on "Blockchain Business Models"
    • Accepted to present at the Global Conference for Entrepreneurship 中心 (GCEC) annual conference in Chicago on "Funding Your Center with an ICO: A Wild Idea... 或者是?

  • 2018年9月: 
    • 区块链项目倡议对考克斯的影响
    • Presentation at Digital Transformation and Al Symposium at SMU Cox on "Blockchain Applications and the Emergence of a Distributed Cooperative Economy" 

  • 2018年8月: 
    • 宣布了新的区块链计划
    • Presentation at the Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) annual conference on "Blockchain and the 4th Industrial Revolution"