Jenna Battillo




Ph.D. Southern Methodist University 2017

B.A. from the University of Florida in Anthropology and Classical Studies (2007). M.A. from New York University in Human Skeletal Biology (2009). Experience in archaeology, biological anthropology, and forensic studies. Archaeological field school at Atheinou, Cyprus, and a brief field school in China's Shaanxi province. Internship experience with the C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory at UF, the New Jersey Medical Examiner's Office, and in the NYU Molecular Anthropology Laboratory. For my dissertation, I am conducting a paleodietary reconstruction from botanical remains in Basketmaker II period human coprolites from Turkey Pen Ruin, SE Utah.

Year Entered Program: 2013

Region of Study:

Southwestern United States


Battillo, Jenna M.
     2012 A critique of legal protection for human remains in Idaho with suggestions for improvement of current legislation. Journal of Northwest Anthropology 46(2):198-201.