

Associate Professor 和 William J. O’Neil Chair in Business 新闻






O’Neil Program in Business 新闻

杰克Batsell reported for more than a decade at newspapers including 达拉斯晨报 和 西雅图时报. 作为一名商业记者, he covered Fortune 500 corporations including Starbucks, Nordstrom 和 Costco Wholesale, 和 traveled to Costa Rica 和 Nicaragua for an award-winning series examining the global coffee industry.

在SMU, his courses focus on business journalism, 媒体创业, 数字新闻, 和 the shifting economics of the news industry. 他负责监督 O’Neil Program in Business 新闻, an interdisciplinary program for 新闻 和/or Fashion Media students who also are enrolled in the Cox School of Business. 他也是 教育委员会 for the Society for Advancing Business Editing 和 Writing (SABEW), the world’s largest 和 oldest organization of business 和 financial journalists.

他的书中, Engaged 新闻: 连接ing with Digitally Empowered 新闻 Audiences (哥伦比亚大学出版社), 2015年2月), has been used in newsrooms 和 classrooms across the United States, 被翻译成韩国语, 和 was a finalist for the national Tankard Book Award. He spent the 2013-14 academic year at 《威尼斯人博彩》 在奥斯汀作为一个 奈特基金会奖学金 to research best practices in the business of digital news.

Batsell’s creative work at SMU includes numerous publications in both peer-reviewed academic journals 和 influential periodicals within the journalism industry. He has presented his work to professional 和 university audiences ranging from Germany to Australia to the South by Southwest Interactive Festival. He also coordinated the Division of 新闻’s digital student media operations for eight years.




M.A. in Government, University of Texas at Austin
B.A. in 新闻, 亚利桑那州立大学



Online news startups 和 nonprofits


2020 Nominated for SMU’s Honoring Our Professors’ Excellence (HOPE) Professor of the Year Award

2018 - 2020协调员, 研究 Prize for Professional Relevance, Association for 教育 in 新闻 和 Mass Communication. 国家奖, 哪个带1美元,000年奖, was established by the AEJMC Presidential Task Force on Bridges to the Professions with the goal of fostering stronger ties between media professionals 和 educators. 

2017 Tow-Knight Fellowship for Disruptive Educators他是纽约城市大学的教授.

2016 Finalist, Tankard Book Award, Association for 教育 in 新闻 和 Mass Communication.

2013-14 德州论坛论坛奖学金,由John S. 詹姆斯·L. 奈特基金会

2012 Scripps Howard Entrepreneurial 新闻 Institute fellowship at the Walter Cronkite School of 新闻 和 Mass Communication, 亚利桑那州立大学

2009 Knight Digital Media Center fellowship, University of California at Berkeley

2005 Award for Excellence in Economic Reporting, presented by The Institute on Political 新闻 和 The Fund for American Studies in Washington, D.C.

2005 Gerald Loeb Awards, finalist.

2004 Scripps Howard Foundation National 新闻 Awards, finalist.

1999-2005 Pacific Northwest Society of Professional Journalists awards for comprehensive coverage, spot news 和 business features.


Batsell,杰克. “The Net Broadened the Base: How Technology Exp和ed Audiences for Business 新闻.出自约瑟夫·韦伯 & 理查德·S. 邓纳姆(Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Business 新闻. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2024,页. 197-207.

Batsell,杰克. “Lessons on Running Virtual Events From Nonprofit 新闻 Organizations.” Stanford Social 创新 Review2020年9月.

Everbach T.Batsell, J.美国南卡罗来纳州Champlin市.尼斯贝特,G. “Does a More Diverse 新闻paper 工作人员 Reflect Its Community? A Print 和 Digital Content Analysis of 达拉斯晨报.” Southwestern Mass Communication Journal,卷. 35(1),春季2019,pp. 1-18.

Batsell,杰克. “From rural news audiences to Russian tweets, this new research has some useful takeaways for reporters.” The Poynter Institute, August 2018.

Batsell,杰克. “Four Steps to Bring Ethical Clarity to Native 广告.” Nieman报告2018年1月.

Batsell,杰克. 非营利模式发展.米歇尔·费瑞厄 & 伊丽莎白·梅斯主编.), Media 创新 和 Entrepreneurship雷布斯社区出版社,2017年.

Batsell,杰克. “There is a Swedish city where the CueCat lives on as a monument to media’s digital failures.” Nieman 新闻 Lab, June 2017.

Batsell,杰克. Engaged 新闻: 连接ing With Digitally Empowered 新闻 Audiences. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.

Batsell,杰克. “Earning Their Keep: Revenue Strategies From 《威尼斯人博彩》 和 Other Nonprofit 新闻 Organizations.” Miami: 奈特基金会, April 2015.

Kraeplin, Camille 和 杰克Batsell. “Web-Centric Convergence Replaces Media Partnerships.” 报纸研究期刊,卷. 34(4), 2013年秋季,pp. 68-82.

Batsell,杰克. “The ‘Original Platform’: How 新闻rooms Build Digital Loyalty 和 Generate Revenue Through Face-to-Face Engagement,” #ISOJ – The Official 研究 Journal of the International Symposium on Online 新闻 Journal,卷. 3(2), 2013年春季,pp. 274-289.

Batsell,杰克. “Intrigued, But Not Immersed: Millennial Students Analyze 新闻 Apps During the iPad’s First Year,” 电子新闻, 卷. 6(3), 2012年9月,pp. 111-130.

Batsell,杰克. “Friday Night Bytes: In Texas, high school football is the killer app,” 《威尼斯人娱乐城》, 2012年1月/ 2月,页. 39-41.

Batsell,杰克. “Lone Star Trailblazer: Will the Texas Tribune transform Texas journalism?《威尼斯人娱乐城》, 2010年7月/ 8月,页. 39-43.


工作人员 writer 和 videographer, 达拉斯晨报
特约撰稿人, 西雅图时报
Adjunct professor of journalism, University of North Texas


商业与新闻 的4306年
建立数字受众 MSA 2305
媒体创业 的3355年
数字产品创新 的5306年
batsell -杰克- 7 - 2023