
Assistant Dean of Assessment and Accreditation, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 临时,
Provost Faculty Fellow for Diversity and Inclusion,

教学系 & 学习





Ste. 372



弗朗西斯卡·戈获得博士学位.D. in 特殊教育 with emphasis on behavioral disorders, from the University of North Texas in 2005. Prior to that, she taught students with behavioral disorders in upper elementary and middle school. Dr. 我接待了她。.A. in Early Childhood 特殊教育 from Vanderbilt University, and her B.A. in Government and History from the University of Notre Dame. Dr. Go's research and teaching interests center on behavior, 阅读, 认知障碍, 自闭症, 评估与测量.


琼斯,F. J.康纳,C.Algrim-Delzell, L.沃尔特,S., & 合金,J. (提交). What do teachers know about how to teach 阅读 to students with developmental disabilities: A survey.

卡林,C. Yovanoff P., 琼斯,F. & 吉福德D. (提交). Interrater Agreement when Observing Reading and Language Behaviors in Students with Intensive Needs: An Exploratory Study.

Al Otaiba, S.里瓦斯,B., 琼斯,F.佩彻,Y., & Wanzek J. (2020年6月2日). 阅读心态测试. http://doi.org/10.31234 / osf.io / 38 eda

Mellado De La Cruz, V.奥提亚巴,南卡罗来纳州.,肖,Y.,克莱门茨,N., 琼斯,F.里瓦斯,B. K.哈根·伯奇,S.格林,E.西蒙斯,L., (2019). The prevalence and stability of challenging behaviors and concurrent early literacy growth among kindergarteners at 阅读 risk. 小学学刊. http://doi.org/10.1086/705785

合金,J.吉福德,D. B., 琼斯,F. J.Al Otaiba, S.尤瓦诺夫,P.奥尔蒂斯,M., & 安德拉,J. (2018). The effects of a text-centered supplemental curriculum for students with intellectual disability. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 123, (5), pp. 474-494. http://doi.org/10.1352/1944-7558-123.5.474

琼斯,F. J.吉福德,D. B.尤瓦诺夫,P.Al Otaiba, S.李维博士., & 合金,J. (2018). Alternate assessment formats for progress monitoring students with intellectual disabilities and below average intellectual quotients: An exploratory study. Focus on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 1-11. http://doi.org/10.1177/1088357618762749

威廉,. G.Gillespie Rouse, A., & 琼斯,F. (2018). Exploring differences in measurement and reporting of classroom observation inter-rater reliability. Practical Assessment, 研究 and Evaluation, 23(4), 1-16.

Wanzek J.佩彻,Y.Al Otaiba里瓦斯,B., 琼斯,F. J.美国肯特郡.Schatchneider, C., Mehta, P. (2017). Effects of a Year Long Supplemental Reading Intervention for Students with Reading Difficulties in Fourth Grade. 教育心理学杂志,2009, 1103-1119.

佩奇,Y.Al Otaiba, S.万泽克,J., Rivas. B. , & 琼斯,F. (2017) The relation between global and specific mindset with 阅读 outcomes for elementary school students. 阅读科学研究,21:5, 376-391. doi: 10.1080/10888438.2017.1313846

罗马,D. X, 琼斯,F. J.巴萨拉巴,D.Hironaka, S. (2016). Helping students bridge inferences in science text. Journal of Adolescent and Adult 读写能力, 60(2), 121-130.

Wanzek J.佩彻,Y.Al Otaiba, S.美国肯特郡. C.Schatchneider, C.海恩斯,M.里瓦斯,B., & 琼斯,F. (2016). Examining the average and local effects of a standardized treatment for fourth graders with 阅读 difficulties. Journal of 研究 on 教育al Effectiveness, 9, 45-66.

合金,J. H.P. G., 琼斯,F. G., Champlin本T. M., & 安德拉,J. P. (2010). Individualized research-based 阅读 instruction for students with intellectual disabilities. 《威尼斯人博彩》,42, 6-12.

合金,J. H.P. G.罗伯茨,J. K., 琼斯,F. G., & Champlin本T. M. (2010). 教学 students with moderate intellectual disabilities to read: An experimental examination of a comprehensive 阅读 intervention. 教育 and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45, 3-22.

合金,J.H., 琼斯,F.G., & 数学,P.G. (2010) “Not this child”: Success stories from research in teaching 阅读 to students with 认知障碍. 教特殊儿童.

琼斯,F. G. (2005). Meta analysis of 阅读 studies for students with emotional and learning disabilities. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation他是北德克萨斯大学的教授, Denton, TX.

巴特勒,C. J. & 琼斯,F. J. (2006). Effective Disciplinary Practices in Schools: Setting the Stage for Student Success.  在L. M. 布洛克,R. A. 山墙, & K. Melloy (Eds.), Effective disciplinary practices: Strategies for maintaining safe 学校 and positive learning environments for students with challenging behaviors. Arlington, VA: Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.

梅内德斯T., M.陈凯.麦顿,M., 琼斯,F., & 曼宁,M. (2004). Creating Quality Environments to Occasion Student Success: Meeting the Needs of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems.  在L. M. 布洛克,R. A. 山墙, & K. Melloy (Eds.), 有效的课堂干预措施, 学校, and communities: Making a difference in the lives of students with learning and behavioral problems. Arlington, VA: Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.

Wehby J. H.西蒙斯,F. M.  Canale J. A.  & 去F. (1999).  教学 practices in classrooms for students with emotional and behavioral disorders: Discrepancies between recommendations and observations. 行为障碍,20, 87-105.