Program Costs & Financial Aid

Students enrolled in courses at SMU-in-Taos will have tuition, course fees and room and board charges added to their SMU Student Account. Tuition will be charged at a per credit hour rate. Current per credit tuition rates may be found below and on the Bursar's website. 所有学生都应该留在学校,并支付该学期的全部住宿费和食宿费.

All charges will need to be paid through my.SMU or the SMU Bursar's Office. Term payment deadlines are set by the Bursar's Office an are subject to change. 如果学生未能按时付款,财务处可能会评估滞纳金并冻结学生的账户. 新大陶斯分校办公室不能接受或确认这些费用的支付,也无法控制滞纳金. 如果您错过了付款截止日期,请通知新大陶斯分校办公室和财务处, but still plan to attend Taos. 所有拖欠款项和滞纳金应在抵达陶斯之前全部付清. 未按时缴费的学生将被自动退学.

学生将负责购买所需的课本或用品,并安排自己往返青岛的旅行, New Mexico.

Tuition ($1,740/credit hour) 1 course (3-credit hours): $5,220*

Optional PRW 2135 Mountain Sports course (1-credit hour): $1,740

Course Fees $200 for 3-credit courses

Winter: $975 for 1-credit hour PRW 2135 Mountain Sports

Summer: $800 for 1-credit hour PRW 2135 Mountain Sports

January 2025 Room and Board

12 days (without Mountain Sports): $1,560
14 days (with Mountain Sports): $1,800

May, June, July, August 2025 Room and Board

17 days: $1,980

Month-Long Honors Program 35 days: $3,960


*Graduate Students should review their School Graduate Tuition and Fees to determine Taos costs.

目前从大学获得基于需求的援助的学生可能会在夏季和1月份的学期中获得按比例的奖励. 这些奖励可以适用于陶斯的课程,就像它们适用于主校区的课程一样. In June Term, 学生必须在整个夏季(包括5月和8月)在新大注册6个或以上的学时,才有资格获得夏季资助. 有兴趣的学生应该联系他们的财务援助顾问,以估计他们的比例奖励. For January and May term, financial aid is applied automatically. For May and August terms, students must request their financial aid to be applied by completing a Financial Aid request form. This form is generally available to students from early April to early July. 


  • Students can take a private loan to cover intercession term balances. They can take up to 30 days. 学生需要告知贷款人贷款时间不超过6小时,并告知贷款期限.
  • 注册6个或更多学时的学生也可能有资格获得联邦或私人贷款. 有兴趣的学生应联系他们的财务援助顾问,以帮助申请贷款.

For more information about the Financial Aid Office, please visit the SMU Financial Aid website, stop by Blanton 119 or call 214-768-3417 for assistance.

获得新大学费补贴的学生通常有资格获得新大陶斯分校课程的全额学费. Please contact SMU Human Resources at or 214-768-3311 for more information.

陶斯之友奖学金是一项基于需求的部分奖学金,可以用于支付新大陶斯分校课程的学费. They are available to full-time SMU undergraduate students attending SMU-in-Taos. 援助是有限的,并由新大陶斯分校奖学金委员会酌情颁发. 该奖项主要基于证明的经济需求,尽管学生可以提供减轻情况的证据. 获得学费援助奖的学生负责所有剩余的费用, room and board and transportation expenses.


Deadlines for Scholarships are specific to each term and can be found here.

有2个学生工作岗位可供申请,你将获得新大陶斯分校的奖学金. 一旦学生被新大陶斯分校录取,学生工作人员的申请就会开始. You can apply for both positions. 

1. SMU-in-Taos Student Ambassador: 学生大使是由新加坡管理大学陶斯分校雇用的学生,作为工作人员团队的一员,在学期期间为居民建立积极的社区体验. 学生大使直接向我校学生事务代表汇报工作. Student Ambassadors will be compensated with a room and board scholarship, specific amount will vary based on responsibilities.


  • 建立积极的社区:学生大使应该在他们的学期中以个人为基础了解每个学生. 每个学生大使都应该创建和鼓励活动和项目,以增强社区,满足居民的个人和学术需求。RA在大学生活的各个方面都是学生的榜样,并期望了解学生可以获得的各种校园服务. Assist in planning, promoting, and executing campus programming and social events throughout the term. 
  • 协助办理入住和退房手续:在学期“到达日期”前一天到达新大陶斯校区,并在学期“离开日期”结束任务时离开。. 
  • Attend all training sessions, in either Dallas or Taos. 
  • Meet with supervisor and/or team as needed.其他任务由学生事务协调员和新大陶斯分校工作人员确定. 

2. SMU-in-Taos Student Driver: 学生司机是由新加坡管理大学陶斯分校雇用的,他们将帮助驾驶面包车去实地考察课程. 学生司机将只驾驶货车的责任概述的目的,而不是其他. Student drivers must be over 21. 学生司机还将通过促进和帮助举办社区活动来帮助建立亲密的社区.  Student Drivers will be 提供食宿奖学金,具体金额根据司机需要而定. 

为了确认出勤并被注册,学生必须同意支付食宿费用. Room and board fees are non-refundable. For this reason, we encourage students to coordinate with parents, academic and financial advisors prior to confirming attendance. If a confirmed student cancels their application, withdraws or fails to show up in Taos, they will still be responsible for the room and board charges. 该政策的唯一例外是,如果新大陶斯分校办公室取消了一门课程,学生无法转入其他课程.

如果学生在取消截止日期前提交适当的表格,学费和课程费用将得到退还. For 100% refund of tuition and course fees, students must submit the Taos Cancellation/Withdrawal Request Form to the SMU-in-Taos Office by the deadline for that term. Any cancellations after 12:01 am on the arrival date will forfeit tuition, course fees, room and board. NO refunds will be issued after the term arrival date.

If you are enrolled in PRW 2135 Mountain Sports, there are separate non-refundable course fee deadlines found on the Dates and Deadlines Page. After this deadline, if you are enrolled in PRW 2135 Mountain Sports, 那么你将负责该学期的PRW 2135山地运动课程费用. 

All students are required to stay on the Taos campus, pay full room and board and abide by all campus policies (see Conduct Agreement). 违反学生行为准则和/或校园政策可能导致从新大陶斯校区移除和/或罚款. If a student is removed from the SMU-in-Taos campus, 他们将被行政开除所有课程,不退款,并被要求自费离校.