
《威尼斯人博彩》 is an exclusive ten-month transformational development program for law firm executives, 包括管理合伙人, 实践小组组长, 及办公室领导.

Join colleagues from the largest law firms for this program jointly offered by the 考克斯商学院 and the Dedman School of Law. One morning per month, you will gain essential skills and tips to help your firm thrive. 你将学习模范领导者的五种行为, how to apply strategy to everyday challenges and the difference between ordinary and outstanding leaders. You will learn the essential skills to manage cash flow and statements and create a financial roadmap for success, as well as how to win together in a dynamic workplace and spark a fire in the hearts of others. 您将学习如何使用信任作为一个特定的商业策略, 如何分配任务和授权他人, 以及挑战现状.


Course feature Course detail
Topic: Leadership
Format: On Campus

大多数公司都提供SMU课程的学费报销, 向你的人力资源部查询详情.


要了解更多有关该计划的信息,请联系Sheri Moore,电话214.768.9113 or shmoore@applehy.com.


Pam Van Dyke



  • 介绍五种模范领导的实践
  • 接受对你的领导行为的反馈
  • 了解有效领导的10个关键承诺

Participants will be able to take an honest look at themselves and their leadership behavior. This module will help them identify strengths in the area of strategic and visionary leadership, 并提出改进的地方.

 Strategy & Planning

Simon Mak

Learning Objectives:

  • 理解传统的战略思维框架
  • 学习新兴战略框架
  • 确定新战略对现有商业模式的影响

This session will provide students a basic understanding of the tools used for strategic thinking in business, including SWOT, 波特的五力, 以及商业模型画布. 这些工具将教会学生正式思考该做什么, 你为什么要这么做, 以及什么时候该这么做. The session will be very interactive and will conclude with the Business Model Canvas.

Emotional & 社会智力



Jeff Strese


Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to build greater emotional intelligence attributes
  • Learn how incre基于情感的elli和谐促进和谐lture of trust and accountability

This se会话帮助管理gers become more effective with the growing demand to achieve outcomes at a strategic level through effective communication and heightened emotional intelligence.

Team Building & Consensus



Jeff Strese



  • Learn the principles of effective delegation that equips and empowers the professional to take on increased responsibility with confidence.  

Successful leaders surround themselves with talented professionals they can depend on to perform and execute their tasks and responsibilities. 


Hemang Desai


  • Understand the role and importance of accounting or financial reporting in capital markets
  • 了解财务报告的核心原则, as well as why these principles are important and how they affect information conveyed in financial statements
  • 学习主要的财务报表:资产负债表, 损益表, 还有现金流量表, 以及管理者可以从中学到什么见解
  • Perform "hands-on" analysis of how business transactions are recorded and then build financial statements from ground-up
  • Discuss limitations of financial statements and some techniques for overcoming them




Neena Newberry

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to powerfully shape your leadership message to maximize understanding and spark a fire in the hearts of others
  • Explore how communication has the power to de-motivate and how to strategically avoid leadership communication pitfalls

As work becomes more complex and collaborative, the ability to build trusting relationships distinguishes those who flourish from those who falter. We are often required to achieve results with groups and individuals well beyond where our formal authority lies. Learn to leverage influence to create more productive and even more enjoyable relationships with your boss, peers and employees.

Budgeting & Forecasting



Gauri Bhat


  • 学会运用“资本的机会成本”
  • 发现资本预算决策规则(NPV), IRR, 回报)以及如何使用这些工具来做出价值最大化的决策
  • 了解相关现金流量
  • 了解流动资金投资的重要性




Patti Johnson

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how leading change is different than leading an ongoing project or process
  • 养成习惯 & behaviors of successful change leaders and how common leadership practices can undermine you in times of change
  • 学习如何为你的改变制定计划,并取得看得见的进步
  • Understand the communication strategies and actions that will help build commitment

组织变革是动态的,无法完全预测. Leaders must adapt, be more agile and learn to be successful in ambiguity and uncertainty. We will discuss how to still be effective and move the organization forward by becoming an effective change leader. 在这个互动环节中, we will explore real-life scenarios and help participants identify strategies and actions to use in their organizational change whether they are leading it or playing an influencer role.




Jeff Strese


  • 理解有效授权的原则

Successful leaders surround themselves with talented professionals they can depend on to perform and execute their tasks and responsibilities. You will learn the principles that equips and empowers the professional to take on increased responsibility with confidence.


Jerry Magar


  • Learn to use trust as a specific business strategy to increase speed of execution and decrease cost
  • 学会通过你的直接下属扩大你的影响力, 同事和老板,并利用跨组织边界的影响力
  • Learn to use a diagnostic process and apply specific behaviors and strategies to restore and enhance trust

这个模块挑战了一个古老的假设,即信任仅仅是软的, social virtue and instead demonstrates that trust is a hard-edged driver that makes organizations more successful, 人们更容易晋升,人际关系更有活力.


这个程序是为管理合伙人开发的, 在大都会地区的AM-Law200事务所担任实践小组领导和办公室领导. Classes are limited to 25 to ensure that group discussion is valuable and professors can answer questions posed.



竞争和成功, companies need leaders in every department who can speak the dollars-and-cents language of business. 能够解读财务报告的经理, assess the impact of decisions and communicate operating strategies have a definite career advantage.



多样化的视角为增强商业成功打开了大门. A recent Boston Consulting Group study suggests that greater leadership diversity spurs innovation and boosts financial performance. On average, diverse companies enjoy a 19% increase in revenue compared to their less diverse counterparts, and SMU Cox 高管教育 offers award-winning programs to raise up the diverse perspectives within your own organization.



You are challenged everyday to uncover ways to create value for ever more demanding customers and their rapidly changing needs. A sound strategy can guide what you choose to do and how you choose to do it to survive, grow, and prosper.



collins center

Next Steps

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